Pressure switches

Can a 3-wire transmitter also work in a 2-wire configuration?


Can each pressure transmitter measure any medium?

No, the materials stated in the data sheet are to be checked by the customer for resistance.

Can the connector be altered?

The electrical connection cannot be altered.

Can you switch between 4 ... 20 mA and 0 ... 10 V?

No, the output signal is defined in the order and cannot be changed.

What causes zero point drift?

Through the ageing of the electrical components, through temperature and load cycling.

What solutions are there against pressure spikes?

For this, we recommend a process connection with a reduced pressure port of 0.6 mm or 0.3 mm.

Will a pressure transmitter also work without a power supply?


Will the pressure transmitter still work properly when the supply voltage is slightly below the minimum specified level?

Up to a certain pressure, the pressure transmitter will still provide a correct output signal. If the pressure increases beyond this point, however, the output signal will remain at the same value, since the power supply is not sufficient to drive the output fully.

What is the overpressure limit?

Pressures up to the overpressure limit will not cause any permanent damage to the measuring instrument, however, the error limits specified in the data sheet could be exceeded.

At what pressure could the pressure measuring instrument be destroyed?

Pressure values above the overpressure limit can lead to irreversible damage of the measuring instrument. It does not matter whether this pressure is present constantly or only for a short period of time. In either case, the complete destruction of the parts exposed to the pressure and the sudden escape of the pressure medium can be expected.

What is equipment for ventilation and air-conditioning used for?

Ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, also known as air-handling units, exchanges the used room air with fresh air from the outside. Rooms are thus adequately ventilated and the air quality is improved.

Why is it important to make V/AC equipment as energy-efficient as possible?

For reasons of environmental protection and cost, it is very important to make ventilation and air-conditioning equipment as energy-efficient as possible, since the largest energy consumption in residential, office and commercial real estate is spent on ventilation and air-conditioning. In addition, some EU standards now even regulate energy efficiency.

What is the function of ventilation and air-conditioning measuring instruments?

Measuring instruments for ventilation and air-conditioning can indicate any excessive pressure loss due to dirty filters, enable the control of the correct operating state and prevent frost damage to the heat exchangers. In addition, they can be used for monitoring since they are available with digital interfaces.

What does one understand by the accuracy of mechanical pressure or temperature switches?

With the accuracy, one refers to the deviation between the set point and the actual value of the switch point. The “accuracy” is only used very rarely with mechanical pressure or temperature switches, because the set point is often set by the customer themselves.

What is the repeatability with mechanical pressure or temperature switches?

The repeatability is one of the most important performance characteristics for pressure or temperature switches. It describes the maximum deviation between the switch points when repeatedly approaching the same pressure or temperature value. This value indicates how reliably the pressure switch will always switch the same value.

What are the most important selection criteria for pressure switches?

The most important criteria for choosing the right pressure switch are:

  • the type of pressure
  • the application area (e.g. Ex or safety system with SIL requirements)
  • the setting range (at which pressure the pressure switch should switch) and the working range
  • the contact version (how many switch points does the customer have, how many circuits does the customer need to control)
  • and the electrical rating



Which switch does one need for use in safety systems?

For use in safety systems, one needs a pressure or temperature switch with an SIL approval.

What do the terms hysteresis/switch differential/dead band mean with pressure or temperature switches?

The three terms refer to the difference between the switch point and the reset point. At the switch point, the switch changes the connected circuit through its activation. At the reset point, the original status is restored. It is basically essential.